
Relationship gift

A relationship gift for Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe, designed to inspire their partners to collect rainwater and emphasize the importance to do so.

The gift is an endpiece for a drainpipe, shaped like a traditional gargoyle but with a modern twist—it takes the form of a crane bird. The crane, a large, seasonal bird that occasionally nests in the Veluwe region of the Netherlands, symbolizes the area's natural heritage and is the symbol of the Waterschap.

Type: Product
Customer: Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe
Partners: House of Design, Fablab Groningen, Van Hulley

The gift is 3D printed from bioplastics and coated with a bio-based finish, ensuring durability while remaining recyclable. The manual is printed on seed paper, and the packaging is crafted from recycled clothing provided by the Waterschap. The packaging doubles as a plant pot, allowing the seeds from the manual to thrive when watered from the crane.

A concept sketch of a crane bird. What is a crane? With a 5 second sketch the basic elements of the bird come into focus, which formed the basis for the design.

A concept sketch of a crane bird, but what is a crane? With a five-second sketch the basic elements of the bird come into focus, which formed the basis for the design.
