Relationship gift
A relationship gift for Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe. They wanted to inspire their relations to collect their own rain water and show them how important it is to do so.
The gift is an endpiece for a drainpipe next to your home. It is shaped like the old gargoyles on churches, but in the shape of a crane bird.
The crane bird is a large, seasonal bird that lands and sometimes breeds in the Netherlands, specifically in the Veluwe area.
Type: Product
Customer: Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe
Partners: House of Design, Fablab Groningen, Van Hulley
The gift is 3d printed from bioplastics and coated in a bio-based coating for a durable product that is still recyclable. The manual is printed on seed paper, the packaging is made from recycled clothing of the Waterschap. The packaging makes a plant pot in which the seeds from the manual can flourish after they are treated with water from the crane.
A concept sketch of a crane bird. What is a crane? With a 5 second sketch the basic elements of the bird come into focus, which formed the basis for the design.